Day 26. Complaint hotline

The iPad, no matter how Pro, is definitely not the best option for working live. Its apps are unreliable as heck.

List of bad boys:
Oh, I see you set up the SynthOne with that smooth sound from your favorite list? Too bad as soon as you start looping it jumps back on one specific ear-piercing-stranger-things-esque sound. You restart the app, you restart the whole setup. That‘s cute. There will be no change. 
Playing through BiasFx is just barely audible.
DrumJam all of a sudden starts following some strange polyrhythmic path from his dreams in the middle of a session, changing tempo every two beats. Restarting helps.

That‘s why 𝚖̶𝚘̶𝚖̶𝚖̶𝚢̶ ̶𝚍̶𝚛̶𝚒̶𝚗̶𝚔̶𝚜̶ I have to cut my recordings several times: I just edit out my long uphill battle with all the above.

Today’s boffo is a smooth loopy session with vocals. Yes, I don‘t know why my mic channel sounds like a cassette tape either.